The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

64. How To Have A Strong Marriage After The Kids Move Out

Since 1990 the divorce rate among couples between the ages of 55-64 has more than doubled! Why is this happening? Aren't the years after the kids move out, and couples head into retirement suppose to be the best?

Many couples focus so much time and energy on raising their kids, they often neglect their own relationship only to find out that it is VERY difficult to reconnect once they have grown apart. Also spouses may react differently in regards to becoming "empty nesters" while one spouse may experience sadness and grief while the other is excited about future possibilities together.  There are many things that can cause couples to struggle once the kids are out of the house, but in this episode, we want to tackle the 8 things couples can do to have a strong marriage after the kids move out.

Nick and Amy have the pleasure of visiting with Javier & Shannan Labrador of 247 marriage Learn more about them and their mission HERE. They are now empty nesters and share great insight and experiences as to how couples can have strong and happy marriages during this stage of life, and how to prepare for it if you are in the earlier years of your marriage.

Even if you are young and still have kids at home, this episode can help you develop the proper  tools to be prepared for that time in life (when it comes).

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