The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

146. Lacking Intimate Time? Why Managing And Balancing Your Time In Marriage Is So Important

Couples that have happy and successful marriages do a very good job at managing their time and priorities in their relationship. They prioritize the important things and put the less important things last on the list.

This is the opposite of what most couples do! Most couples fill their time with everything else and put their relationship last. Maybe they don't do this intentionally, but it happens. They fill their day with all the other things and then are too tired to connect physically or emotionally.

It is amazing how many couples use the excuse that they are just too busy to spend time together, or too busy to fit sexual intimacy in their relationship. However, if you looked at the time they spent on their devices or doing other "time wasters" there would be plenty of time for the more important things.

For most couples, balancing their relationship and managing their time is a problem. In this episode, Nick and Amy talk about the basic things couples can do to manage their time more efficiently and connect more as we couple.

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