The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

265. How To "Seduce" Or Romance Your Husband.. Your Going To Love This One!

What does it mean to "seduce" your spouse (or romance your spouse)? Why should you seduce your spouse? In this fun episode we talk about the various fun ways to seduce your spouse, and the benefits of bringing the fun, passion and excitement back into your marriage.

We also share the poll answers and experiences that we have had in our own marriage and how they still have an impact on our marriage many years later :)

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Speaker 1:

You are listening to the Ultimate Intimacy Podcast, where we discuss how to find ultimate intimacy in your relationship. We believe that, no matter how many years you've been married, you can achieve passion, romance, happiness and ultimate intimacy at any stage of your life. Join us as we talk to not only marriage experts, but couples just like yourself and people who are just flat out fun. The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast is for couples who have a good relationship but want to make it even better.

Speaker 3:

How to seduce your husband is the topic of today's podcast episode with the ultimate intimacy podcast with your host, nick and amy, and maybe we'll change the title to how to seduce or romance your husband, because some people do not like the word seduce and we've heard that we heard on social media I didn't know. Seduce was a bad term when you're talking about a healthy marriage.

Speaker 4:

Apparently some people don't like that word, and if you don't, we apologize right now for offending you.

Speaker 3:

No, we don't. We're using seduce.

Speaker 4:

I'm apologizing if you don't like the word that we picked.

Speaker 3:

Amy is apologizing, I'm not. It's don't like the word that we picked. Amy is apologizing. I'm not, it's fine.

Speaker 4:

No, I'm just teasing it doesn't feel bad about it, I'm just teasing Seduce. It was brought to our attention that that's an evil word and in the Bible it's a very negative and bad word.

Speaker 3:

And it can be used wrong.

Speaker 4:

It can be used wrong. It can also have a positive connotation when it comes to marriage, because there's nothing wrong with seducing your spouse.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's interesting. We typed in and said what are words that are the same meaning of seduce, and the word romance was put in there, that was literally the one word that was given it came up with one other word, and it was romance.

Speaker 4:

I think romance is a good word.

Speaker 3:

I would say so.

Speaker 4:

I would hope so.

Speaker 3:

Anyways yeah.

Speaker 4:

If you don't like the word seduce, just replace it with romance, and I think we're good I think we're good, just if yeah, switch that in your mind if you need to do that and this.

Speaker 3:

This is gonna be a fun episode. I'm gonna have some things to share, some experiences to share and some of the men listening are going to be like.

Speaker 4:

I hope my wife listens to this. That's true Right, that is true. And they might be sending it to their wife.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally yeah.

Speaker 4:

Anyways, okay. What do you want to start with Poll? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Dive into the poll and let's hear how others think, or what they think about this, and then we'll dive into the ways to seduce your husband okay and I will share experiences of the way amy has seduced me and drove me crazy let's talk about the word seduce or romance.

Speaker 4:

Quote seduce or romance mean like, what, like. What are we actually talking about, though?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Like what does it?

Speaker 3:

mean, I don't know. You better tell us.

Speaker 4:

To seduce your spouse means to entice, attract or persuade to engage in being intimate or to enter into romantic or intimate activity with your spouse, often through charm, flattery or other means of persuasion, or I'm going to add the word initiation yeah it's really, it's really like how are you going to initiate being intimate?

Speaker 3:

with your husband that's.

Speaker 4:

That's literally what we're saying when I think of the word seduce in a healthy relationship.

Speaker 3:

I I immediately think of like fun and clever ways to let your spouse know you're in the mood for or just initiate even if you're not in the mood right yeah or if you're just being positive mindset.

Speaker 4:

Intimacy is important. I don't have to be in the mood, I can get in the mood yeah, so I'm going gonna initiate that right. So it can. It can have to do with like attraction, like getting all ready for your spouse, however, whatever you want to, however, you want to think of that work. So we asked our audience what ways do you seduce your husband or romance your husband wives? And here are some of my answers. I'll just just share a few.

Speaker 3:

And then I think we should talk about why it's important for a spouse to do that right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, agreed, agreed, and it could go both ways right.

Speaker 3:

This episode could go both ways. If you're a high-desire wife and you have a low-desire husband, this would be great for a low-desire husband to try to seduce his wife. They literally can go both ways like all these romances, wife, I guess I should say yeah okay, I'm gonna stop after each one and we'll just talk about it for a minute.

Speaker 4:

Does that work? The first one is where lacy lingerie. I'm just gonna let you rate each one on a scale from zero to ten.

Speaker 3:

So oh, I got, so amy went to this uh we're gonna keep this women's um thing for a few days with some other women in our family. They call it girls retreat. So I'm minding my own business, just uh, sitting here at home, uh, watching the kids. You know, watching the kids and I. I get a text message and I click on it. It's from Amy.

Speaker 4:

This is like year one, year 12, year 15.

Speaker 3:

Probably, yeah, and it's a picture of Amy uh, in lingerie, trying on lingerie at the mall. Yeah, and I'm like what, I'm like what in?

Speaker 4:

the world. I that you were going to be so excited.

Speaker 3:

Oh my heck, I and I okay, I usually exaggerate on things. I am not exaggerating as maybe you should not as Joe Biden, as Joe Biden would say no, joke, no joke let's not bring in.

Speaker 3:

Anyway. So I get this and it's like at probably eight or nine at night and the kids are in bed because they're younger and I'm I mean, I stared at my phone for like three hours. I'm like that is my wife. Holy, I am like the luckiest guy in the world. So Amy really likes when I'm in a suit, so of course I had to go get a picture of me just in a tie, with my shirt off, and anyways, we sent pictures back and forth and she was more laughing at my pictures, trying to be seductive, but I was not laughing at her picture.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, make a long story short. I was up till like 1 am just looking at her picture and be like, oh my heck, I'm the luckiest guy in the man just staring at the picture of my wife. And I finally got to sleep and, uh, next day, you know, I just keep looking at that picture. I had to delete it from my phone and I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed to say that, but I, I was. I. I was not productive at work or anything I was doing, because I, all I could do is look at that picture and my wife, my beautiful wife, on my phone. So anyways that that is a time I still remember. I tried to seduce her with some pictures. Didn't work very well. If you're going to do that, definitely use the intimate chat on the app, because it is encrypted end-to-end encrypted so no one's gonna see anything.

Speaker 4:

It's safe so, and I don't know, if I would have sent it on the app, maybe you would have still not erased it maybe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean I wasn't in my 40s then, and you might never get one of those again in all honesty, I was worried about my kids seeing it, so I yeah, yeah, that's, that's my excuse yeah, that's why we created the app for the intimate chat, so you can send whatever you want to send and no one will ever see it besides your spouse? Do you still have any of my seductive pictures?

Speaker 4:

that I sent. No, they weren't seductive, they were hilarious okay okay, I'm just gonna be completely honest. Like nick tries to be funny when he's trying to be, what's the word quote?

Speaker 3:

sexy and it's hilarious I pulled a george costanza uh on the couch um pose.

Speaker 4:

I got nothing from that anyways, the point is I just want to clarify this. The point is is that most husbands, probably 99.9999% of husbands, would love their wife to do this. I don't care if you have body issues, body shaming issues. You don't love your body. Your husband most likely loves your body no matter what, and they would love this.

Speaker 3:

I think when Amy got home that night was probably.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that's enough. That's enough. I'm cutting Nick off right here. Okay, seriously, that's enough.

Speaker 2:

Your husband would love that If you don't know if he would love that you should just ask him, you should just ask him, and vice versa.

Speaker 4:

Husbands, you can try doing that for your wife. She, she might love it, I'm not sure. Okay, we're talking about romancing, seducing the husbands, so anyways that we're gonna stick to that. The next comment I got was he turns thumbs up. Is what she used when I'm wearing the quote special leggings, quote. I don't know what leggings those are, but for every wife there's probably something that she wears that the guy is like I love that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, right, absolutely Right.

Speaker 4:

You probably know, amy has a sweater that's like.

Speaker 3:

If she wears, I'm like oh, is that, is that your do me sweater?

Speaker 4:

I do not what a certain sweater, yeah I don't even know what one is talking about. We're gonna have that conversation after um. The next comment I got was just initiate sex at all. I don't even care how you do it, just do it Apparently. This guy is probably she's not initiating much.

Speaker 3:

No guy would complain about that. If there's no seduction and it's just initiating, we're cool with that.

Speaker 4:

We're cool with that. We're cool with that. The next one is listen to him while giving eye contact and, in a flirty way, touch the underside of his arm. So that's gonna look different to everyone. But eye contact in flirty, like giving the little wink, uh, the footsie under the table. However you touch your spouse that they like the footsie under the table is good. It sounds so simple.

Speaker 1:

I remember If you do that at date night it totally sounds simple.

Speaker 3:

I remember being somewhere and Amy started doing that and I'm like oh mama.

Speaker 4:

If you take their foot and like, okay, say you're at dinner at a restaurant, no one's going to look under the I'm sorry, no one's looking under your table and you take your foot and you start dragging it up his leg, he's going your foot and you start dragging it up his leg. He's gonna know exactly what you're doing. Well, what's funny?

Speaker 3:

too is I'm sure every, every couple out there has kind of different things that they do and it's gonna look different for every couple right like sure what? What you and I kind of have is going to be different than what other couples for? Sure but all this stuff is like so much fun, but these are these are answers from other couples the things that they do.

Speaker 4:

So if you've never done one of these, just try it. It might be added to your list, right? Yeah, it might be added to your list. So I can honestly say that footsie, even though it sounds dumb and something like 16-year-olds do, it literally works in marriage as we go through this list and I know we're just jumping in and people don't know what's on the list yet.

Speaker 3:

But would you say, even though we're kind of talking about how to seduce your husband, do you think it goes both ways? Do you think most of these things would be? Something that would be for a wife as well, like if a husband came out in like boxers or whatever a wife likes. Like in your case, you like a suit, right? So? I'm just saying it doesn't have to be necessarily lingerie, but if you reverse this, do you think most women would?

Speaker 4:

this would be a way to seduce a woman as well I I'm just gonna be honest with you as a low drive wife. Some of them yes, some of them probably no, because a lot for us takes like sexual, like arousal, physical touch to really get us thinking sexual. So some of these probably wouldn't work on a wife with a low libido so for some women, not all women are like men, where they're visually stimulated by their spouse so for some women.

Speaker 3:

How to seduce your wife I'll just have a conversation with her. No, no, just talk to her. No, that's what she needs, anyways, okay, anyways, moving on okay, the next one.

Speaker 4:

Like we just talked about in our episode before, this one is nothing beats some good french kissing agreed, we just did the podcast episode before this one on the importance of passionate kissing in your marriage and I can.

Speaker 4:

I can say what you're asking here, that one is good for both husbands and wives. Like passionate kissing if you literally you don't even have to be in the bedroom or anything. If you just went up to your husband, the kids were asleep and just like started literally kissing him, he is going to be like grinning under that kiss.

Speaker 3:

Like oh yeah, from head to toe right absolutely like.

Speaker 4:

If you want to seduce your husband, that is the most simple, most passionate way to be like.

Speaker 3:

I love you, I want you it's funny too, like if, if a wife seduces her husband, like sometimes, when Amy does some of these things, like we'll make love and I'm still thinking about it for like three or four days, like it doesn't.

Speaker 4:

That's because women don't do it very often. So when they do, some women I should say sorry, some women don't initiate or seduce very often, so when they do, do your mind's like stuck on that right. Oh, that was amazing yeah, totally like.

Speaker 3:

It's been several years since you sent me that picture, but every time I think about it I laugh because I would. I can remember like I was, like I I don't. There's very self. How do I say this? Um, like, how do I say this the right way without coming across the wrong way?

Speaker 3:

I'm not sure what you're saying, or I would help you out like sometimes, like I don't want to say lose control because I didn't do anything, but I was literally like couldn't take my eyes off that picture. I was just like and it was consuming me that's the word I'm trying to use consuming. Usually there's not many things that take over and consume me, but that was one of those things, the only reason is because you didn't get to see me for a few days. True that, and?

Speaker 4:

normally, when you're seducing your spouse, they're right there and it doesn't have to consume you for very long, right? That's the difference. That was probably more like rude torture. Yeah, more like rude torture.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I apologize. I will never do that again. I wouldn't call that torture. Torture is a bad. I'm sorry, I will not do that. No, you need to do that again. That's why we're spending half this podcast talking about it okay.

Speaker 4:

Well, you keep talking about it. The next one, we're gonna move on, apparently it's pretty obvious what nick wants me to do.

Speaker 3:

He wants me you can't tell the impact that this had on me, right.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Next one is flash him when he's not expecting it. Please make sure that that's at the appropriate time. But yes, absolutely. If your husband is into that, he's going to love that. Maybe lock the. Oh well, that was one of the next ones is lock the door. I'm getting ahead of myself. Lock the door and then flash him, maybe yeah, or just start stripping down.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. Like I I think most husbands are gonna love any of them like, wherever you want to take that right, uh, the next one we got was suggestive innuendos. Now, I remember talking about a previous podcast a while ago about, like how to dirty talk and me and nick don't do that. Like we started laughing. We were on a walk one night and I was like do you want me to dirty? I don't even know what dirty talk is. That seems weird to me. I'm not, I'm never gonna do that. He's like I would love that. And I'm like what do I say? Like I don't even know what that means.

Speaker 3:

He's like I I don't know what it means either. I don't know, but I love it.

Speaker 4:

He's like just tell me you want to make me mad. I'm like that's not really dirty talk, I don't.

Speaker 3:

Dirty talk. I don't like the word dirty, but like sexy talk. Dirty talk for us would be more of like just, I guess. Just tell me you want it right, talk totally to us.

Speaker 4:

That's like as stream as it's gonna go, but whatever that means to you, nick did admit to me on that walk. He's like if you would whisper something sexy in my ear, that would make my night and I'm like I think every man would agree with that. I think every man would agree with that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, if you whispered in my ear I want to have my way with you tonight.

Speaker 4:

I'd be like okay, I don't even know what happened sign me up for that, right? Uh, the next one, okay. So wait, staying on that one for just a sec. If you really want to romance or seduce quote, if you like that word your husband, try this week. Try to set a goal, to whisper in your husband's ear something that would make his night. Whatever that is. I mean, you can get all like detailed, you can keep it really vague.

Speaker 3:

And the great thing is it's going to look different for everyone, because every couple is different.

Speaker 4:

So I just want to like you whisper in there, I just want to passionately kiss you tonight. Most husbands would just even just love that, right? So okay, whispering in the air Good yes, keeper, yes, absolutely. The next one is sneak away to the bedroom and then send a sneak peek of what is waiting for him.

Speaker 3:

I wouldn't. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 4:

That's going to look different every marriage either, because I don't really dare send pictures, period. But you do have the app. It's very secure. Your husband's a lumber.

Speaker 3:

Use the app and the private chat feature if you're gonna do something like this if you're asking if I'd be disappointed with that, the answer is we already know that. Yeah, I've done that ten years ago.

Speaker 4:

Ah, the next one. Yeah, it's been a long time. It's been too long time. It's been too long Overdue. Kissing his neck. Yes, keeper, yeah, I always get the chills.

Speaker 3:

You know me, I'm ticklish. If Amy kisses my neck, I'm all giggly.

Speaker 4:

I'm not very good at that. I can do better at that.

Speaker 3:

I'm ticklish, so yeah.

Speaker 4:

No, I'm not very good at that. I think most husbands would agree Like, yeah, you come up and just start kissing my neck, like I'm good with that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I won't deny you.

Speaker 4:

I will not deny you. The next comment we got was lots of walk-by touching. Yeah, I think that's like can be seductive.

Speaker 1:

For sure.

Speaker 4:

Like grabbing, like he's really good at at like walking by and touching me. I'm not very good at that. I'm not a physical touch person. But if your husband is like grabbing his butt or rubbing his shoulders or even scratching your nails down his back, okay, this has nothing to do with like being sexual, but I, for whatever reason, I just have a way of I.

Speaker 3:

I'm always grabbing amy's butt and that's kind of my way of just saying I love you.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for all you do, like I think most husbands do that, and if you, watch our instagram videos.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes I have a tendency of doing it without even knowing it that's true we had one video that went viral and everyone's like comment and like oh, he cut the fill at the end, but grab at the end yeah, and it just happened naturally. But that's my way of just letting amy know like I love you.

Speaker 3:

You're amazing but when a woman isn't very good at doing that, but then she does it, that means something to a man, right for sure yeah, even just coming up and like giving me a hug and like you know just, it's how you do it, though we're talking like seductive moves right.

Speaker 4:

So like scratching your back, your arm, even touching a guy's leg is going to like it's going to start something. The next one, oh same kind of thing though Lots of touch through the day wearing sexy lingerie, opposed to just regular pajamas. If you come out at night, I mean we're talking initiation kind of come out at night. I mean we're talking initiation kind of if. If you come out at night and lingerie and crawl under the sheets, or come out with nothing and crawl under the sheets and surprise your husband, yeah, he's gonna. He's gonna make it, he's gonna love that right.

Speaker 4:

Um, the last, one of the last ones was just lock the bedroom door and I already said that one. But just like laying in bed and getting like, say, you're just reading, or you guys have been on your phones or whatever, or just talking, and then you just go over to the door and lock it. Your husband's gonna know exactly what that means. Like when you do, I'm like oh, are you?

Speaker 3:

are you trying to lock me in for some reason?

Speaker 4:

what's on the outside? What's going on exactly, uh do you want? To anything else that I missed no, like I thought some of those comments were really good. I'm gonna skip a couple.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna I think, those are great ones and I, there was a lot of.

Speaker 4:

There was a lot of duplicates.

Speaker 3:

Um, yeah, I think those are were all great and, like I said, it's gonna look different for every marriage, uh, every couple, but you know what your spouse likes absolutely and if but it's important to talk about.

Speaker 4:

Like what kind of things would you like me to do to initiate or seduce you? Like that's an important conversation to have, because sometimes we assume this, this and this is what they like, but they might like something new. Like we haven't had that conversation. Like, like he brought up oh, remember that picture you sent me 10 years ago, gosh, that made my day. Like oh, that was a good reminder that didn't just make my day.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm still talking about I know all right, so let's jump in real quickly to the benefits of.

Speaker 4:

I mean, there's got to be a reason as to why we're recommending people do this right absolutely, and I would have to say the first thing I can think of is that seducing or romancing or even just initiating in your marriage sparks romance. Yep. I think it keeps the romance alive. I think it adds excitement to the relationship in your marriage and just kind of keeps that passion there.

Speaker 3:

It makes things fun I mean, even if you're the spouse that's doing it, like I come up with creative ways to just Initiate with Amy right true and it's fun for me to do that like I'll send her a text that looks exactly like it's coming from the doctor's appointment and it'll say dr Dr Nick you have an appointment with dr McKinley at such-and-such on whatever, whatever.

Speaker 3:

I have so much fun doing that. It makes me laugh, it makes me smile and I can't wait to send it to her and hopefully she likes receiving them. But it does it. It sparks that romance and and makes it fun that's important to keep your marriage fun right.

Speaker 4:

It's sometimes important to remember hey, the things that we did when we first got married need to continually happen, and I think, probably from a woman's standpoint too like to know how happy that would make your husband.

Speaker 3:

If that alone isn't a reason enough to be excited to find a creative way to do it, just knowing how amazing and happy your husband's going to feel when you do that and surprise him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean that. That's reason alone, you know. Oh, absolutely, Absolutely. The next one I would think is it just strengthens the intimacy in your marriage. I think it fosters a deep connection like emotional and physical and sexual intimacy between the two of you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I go back to the fun part. Right, like Amy and I have a bunch of ways we kind of initiate with each other, right and and it just makes it fun, like it's really fun, because then she'll sometimes initiate with me and vice versa, not often enough, but I do but, but my point is is like I love that and it makes things fun when we do it in kind of a playful way rather than just oh, we're gonna make love tonight, right and I think what's important about this one is that marriage can get kind of dull and boring

Speaker 4:

and it literally kind of keeps you back to the hey remember the days when we first got married and it was still passionate and we still love to kiss each other and we still wanted to be intimate all the time and I don't know. I think we have to keep marriage fun, because it can get really mediocre and just kind of stagnant.

Speaker 3:

For sure.

Speaker 4:

Especially like in that midlife, life is busy. Agree A hundred percent with that, I think the reason people have midlife crises is in their marriage and in their life.

Speaker 3:

Because things are boring.

Speaker 4:

They let things get boring, though it's not because life is boring, it's because they let life get boring. And again we have control over if our life is boring or not. We really do.

Speaker 3:

And again, coming back to the little things, like we talked about in a previous episode, it is the little things that are game changers in your marriage. Even just doing fun things like this you know, initiating in fun ways is is going to completely change the attitude and mindset of a spouse absolutely, or both spouses.

Speaker 4:

Yep, I'm going to say something I wasn't going to add into this, but when we first stated what like seduce means is kind of to attract, I just want to add in that it's important to stay attractive for your spouse, like no matter how long you've been married. I think sometimes we get lazy in life and like when you, when you actually care about seducing your spouse, it pretty much is kind of to me in a positive way, meaning I still want to be attractive to you, I still want you to think that I'm attractive. I want that to stay important and that looks different to everyone, and it's not just physical that I'm attractive. I want that to stay important and that looks different to everyone. And it's not just physical attraction I'm talking about, but like attraction in marriage. We've done a podcast on that is really important and I think when you have the mindset that I want my spouse to be attractive, attractive, attracted to me, I think that's really important. Yeah, do you agree with that? The next one is it creates memories like Nick stated already.

Speaker 4:

It's fun to be able to go back and think of exact times when your relationship was really passionate or amazing.

Speaker 3:

Or just, like I've talked about already, just different times of different experiences, like I've talked about already, just different times of different experiences, and I mean I can remember, you know, several different times where Amy's done certain things, and those are, those are things that make me smile, I laugh and I'll never forget, right those usually create a story right absolutely yeah. So I still remember those and it still. I still just love, it all these years later.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely. And the next one is really, to me, just strengthening your commitment to each other. I think when you are willing to initiate or seduce or really romance your spouse, it's showing them that you're not just committed to them emotionally and faithfully, but that you're committed to keeping the marriage alive, that you're committed to keeping the fun in your marriage, that you're committing to keeping sexual intimacy important. When you commit to keeping sexual intimacy important in your marriage, you're really making a pretty bold statement that you're my lover, not just my little life partner.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

You want to add anything to that?

Speaker 3:

No, this is a fun episode. I really like this episode and I think it's so important to do Absolutely. So we challenge you this week try seducing your husband in a fun way or even your wife, like I said, yeah, for sure In a fun way at least a couple times, and see what kind of excitement and fun and memories and different things it brings to relationships. So we think it'll be very beneficial.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so hope you enjoy the podcast and feel free to reach out to us. We always love hearing from you. Um, we did just open up our uh signups for the intimacy and adventure retreat for March 2025. I know that's a ways out, but we do have limited spots. Such an amazing event, so go check it out at ultimate intimacycom slash retreats. If you have any questions on that, feel free to email us as well. Uh, this is one of the highlights of our years is getting to meet people from all over and just spending a few days together having amazing food, adventure activities. Um instruction Uh, it's a great time and one of the common things that we hear couples that attend the retreat. Almost all of them say we had no idea, um, we were going to be eating this well.

Speaker 3:

we had no idea we were going to be doing these fun activities and the instruction would be so well we had no idea that we would leave with friendships that will be lifelong how do you do it for the the cost that you're charging, like we have tons of people do it for the cost that you're charging. Like we have tons of people say I have no idea how you're even breaking even on this thing, so we've put together an amazing time. We hope you can join us. Let us know if you have any questions. No-transcript no-transcript.