The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

73. 20 Important Things We Have Learned In Our 20 Years Of Marriage

We just had our 20th anniversary and we were discussing all the things we have learned  over the past 20 years of our marriage (which are many). There were a lot of expectations of what we thought marriage would be like, and perceptions of things in life with our relationship and how we viewed other relationships as well. Of course we were wrong about many of our expectations and perceptions of what we thought. The things we have learned have helped our marriage tremendously, and although everyone's marriages are different and unique based upon their background and life experiences, we think most of these things on our list will resonate with you and help you in your marriage!

We also share many of the poll answers from our survey on social media "What have you learned from your marriage and what tips would you give  a married couple? We got hundreds of answers so thank you to everyone that shared their experiences and input in our social media poll!

If you haven't already, go check out the Ultimate Intimacy App in the app stores, or at to find "Ultimate Intimacy" in your marriage. It's FREE to download and so much fun!

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If you have any feedback, comments or topics you would like to hear on future episodes, reach out to us at and let us know! We greatly appreciate your feedback and please leave us a review!

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