The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

91. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO: Is Your Screen Addiction Costing You Your Freedom... And Your Relationship?

September 16, 2022

We have discussed in previous episodes the impact social media and our addictions to our screens is having on our marriages and relationships. In this episode, Nick and Amy interview Nate Klemp who is in the process of writing a new book titled "OPEN: Finding Freedom in a Screen Addicted and Divided World" which is scheduled to be released in January 2024. We discuss many of the damaging effects our screens are causing to our marriages and to society. 

Some of the things we discuss:

  • What was the most shocking statistic he came across while researching and writing this book.
  • How people are "loosing their freedom" through their screen addiction.
  • The ways our society is changing because of our screen addiction.
  • What are the ways we can manage our screen addictions.
  • How screen addiction is impacting marriages.

As technology and social media is truly taking away our freedom and causing destruction throughout the world, how can we use it for good and not allow it to negatively impact our marriages? Want to find out, then listen to this amazing episode. THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EPISODES YOU CAN LISTEN TO.

Find out more about Nate Klemp and The 80/80 Marriage HERE

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