The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

174. Why It's So Important To Know And Understand Your Spouse's Personality Type

July 14, 2023

Are you (or your spouse) an introvert or extrovert? Are one of you a thinker vs feeler? Do you plan things out or are you spontaneous? Do you have an assertive or accommodating personality?

Imagine the frustration if one spouse is an introvert and wants to stay at home all the time and the other spouse wants to get out of the house and be around friends and family, or one spouse is spontaneous while the other likes to have things planned out.

 These differences happen all the time and can cause issues in the relationship if they are not talked about openly together, and if couples do not understand each others personality type.

We often don't consider how important knowing and understanding each others personality types in in marriage. In this podcast episode, Nick and Amy discuss why it is so important to know and understand each others personality type in your marriage and how to find balance when you have different personality types instead of letting the differences divide you and cause conflict in the marriage.

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