The Ultimate Intimacy Podcast

316. Are You A "Drifter" When It Comes To Your Relationship? Why This Mindset Could Ruin Your Marriage

In Outwitting the Devil, Napoleon Hill describes "drifters" as those who go through life (or marriage) without purpose, direction, or decisive action, often becoming controlled by external forces. They just go wherever the wind blows them so to speak. We see a lot of people like this not only in life, but in their relationships. They assume that their relationship or marriage will just be a product of whatever life throws at them. 

In contrast, "non-drifters" or drivers are intentional, disciplined, and decisive, shaping their lives with purpose. This concept can be powerfully applied to marriage, where being decisive—being a "driver" and knowing what you want in your relationship, and going after it, can significantly improve the relationship and deepen intimacy.

In this podcast episode Nick and Amy talk about how couples need to be decisive, consistent, and confident about where they want their marriage to be now and in the future.

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